Yesterday the High School and Junior High music departments came together to perform The Sounds of the Holidays for the community! If you missed the live performance you can go back and watch the concert on our channel now!
about 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
It begins!!! Check out some photos of todays ground breaking for our new fieldhouse! It means a lot to us to have these kids take these first steps in the process and thanks to those who volunteered! This is all for you!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Check out our Student Podcast "Da Buzz"! With the kickoff of this new student-produced podcast, we had the pleasure to sit down with some key individuals to go over our Capital Projects Plan, those new facilities, and everything in-between. Listen here!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
This week, MCS is beginning to see rises in both student and staff absenteeism due to COVID-19. We will continue to monitor these rates and make changes to our policies when necessary. Please view the COVID data dashboard on the school website if interested.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
​Please join us for a ceremonial groundbreaking of the MCS Fieldhouse ("The Hive") on Tuesday, December 7th at 4:00pm on 9th Street next to MJHS.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
"The Hive"
MCS wishes all of our students, staff, and families a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are very thankful for the opportunity to work with the students of our district.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
Happy Thanksgiving
Reminder: November 22 and 23 will be eLearning days for all MCS students. Teacher office hours will be 2:30-3:30pm each day.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
Again more photos of our new facilities.
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
New facilities
New facilities
New facilities
The success of our students is our top priority and here is another reminder of the things to come! These facilities are only the beginning for our corporation and to say that we are excited is an understatement. Again here are images of our new facilites and Go Jackets!!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
New Facilities
New Facilities
New Facilities
Again THANK YOU to all Veterans for you service to our country. All you have sacraficed does not go unoticed and on behalf of everyone at MCS we appreciate all that you have done and continue to do for us!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Bus 28 and Bus 5 students will be transported home by bus driver Diana Randolph on Bus 25 this afternoon. Please note students may arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Due to forecasted strong fall storms between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM, MCS is regretfully cancelling our reverse Parade of Veterans. We want to thank everyone who put forth effort in planning this event. To our Veterans...THANK YOU for your service to our country. Follow the link to our Virtual program and if you see a Veteran today please thank them for their service and share the video so we can do the same!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
More photos of our new facilities!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Weight room
Big changes are on the horizon! Checkout this sneak peak at how our Fieldhouse and Turf Field will look next year! This is only the beginning for our corporation so stay tuned and Go Jackets!!
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Football field
Mitchell Community Schools will be conducting a modified Veterans Day program on November 11th, starting at 1:30pm.
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
What’s the one thing every high school athlete needs? A healthy, functioning pair of lungs. So don’t ruin yours by vaping. It’s not like you can just pick up a new pair at the mall. 🌬️😷🛍️ #VapingRuinsLungs #AthletesAgainstVaping
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
Reminder - Daylight Savings Ends - Sunday, November 7, 2021 - Set Clocks Back One Hour ⏲🐝⏲🐝
over 3 years ago, Mitchell Community Schools
daylight savings
MHS Alumni HOF application deadline has been extended to Nov. 15. Anyone interested in more information, please visit our MCS website.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
Our attendance numbers have remained at a sustainable level over the course of the last few weeks. Due to these numbers, and after consulting with local and county health officials, MCS will be lifting the mask mandate for students and staff on Monday, November 1st. We will continue to monitor our attendance numbers and, when necessary, implement policies and procedures that will be directed toward the health and safety of our students and staff. As a reminder, the federal mask mandate for bus riders is still in effect through January. Thank you for your continued patience and support of your school district.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer
Our attendance numbers have remained at a sustainable level over the course of the last few weeks. Due to these numbers, and after consulting with local and county health officials, MCS will be lifting the mask mandate for students and staff on Monday, November 1st. We will continue to monitor our attendance numbers and, when necessary, implement policies and procedures that will be directed toward the health and safety of our students and staff. As a reminder, the federal mask mandate for bus riders is still in effect through January. Thank you for your continued patience and support of your school district.
over 3 years ago, Brent Comer