Check out this exciting opportunity for Barks & Boos at Mitchell Manor this weekend!
Next week, Hatfield will be recognizing Red Ribbon and Bully Prevention Weeks. Check out the attached flier for information about our dress up days!
Check out this exciting Free Fall Break Movie Night sponsored by our local Lions Club! See the attached flier for more information.
Hatfield Elementary Lunch Menu: October 21 - November 15th.
Fall Break 2024 is right around the corner, and Happy Hatfield has been celebrating! Check out some of the incredible Fall Activities our students have completed as they work toward mastering skills in phonics, reading fluency, writing, and math! We are Hatfield Proud!
Check out our available support staff positions. We'd love to share more about these rewarding jobs with you!
Attention all Hatfield Families: FALL BOOK FAIR is coming! Mark your calendars for the week of November 4th - 8th! More information will be coming home after Fall Break!
Attention Hatfield Families! Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conferences will be this Friday, October 11th. This will be a NO SCHOOL DAY (no eLearning or in-person learning) for all MCS students. Please see the attached Hatfield flier for more information about Conference Day. We look forward to sharing your child's progress with you!
Thank you to the Marion Township Rural Fire Department for visiting Hatfield today for Fire Prevention! Our students loved meeting our very own local fire heroes and exploring the safety equipment.
Happy Friday Hatfield Families! Check out these exciting holiday opportunities from Mitchell's very own ReGeneration!
Coat Giveaway: October 19 from 10 AM - 1 PM
Christmas Sale: November 2 from 9 AM - 1 PM
Toy Sale: December 7 from 9 AM - 1 PM
Are you interested in tips and tricks for helping siblings get along with each other? Check out the Sibling Rivalry & Aggression Parent Cafe from our partners at Ireland Home Based Services.
Attention Families! Picture Re-Take Day is coming up on Tuesday, October 8th. To order pictures online, use the link here:
Way to go, Hatfield! Check out these incredible attendance rates for Hatfield students for the month of SEPTEMBER. Remember, regular attendance helps students build relationships with their peers and teachers. Students get to collaborate, work on group tasks, and develop important social skills. Every moment spent at school is a great opportunity to make friends and build community! Keep up the great work, students and families!
Hello and Happy Rainy Friday to our Hatfield Families! We have a big announcement today! Hatfield Elementary will be celebrating a Class of the Month each month. The Class of the Month winner is a class that exemplified positive behaviors both in class and around the building for the entire month.
A big shout out to our September Class of the Month - Miss Ochs' Kindergarten Class! They have earned a traveling banner to hang outside their door (for bragging rights, of course) and a special treat from Mr. Fountain. Keep up the great work, students...and be on the look out for next month's October Class of the Month! We are so proud of our Happy Hatfield Champions!
A message from Mrs. Clouse, our Art Teacher:
“Attention Parents!
Your child has completed the artwork and will soon be bringing home a personalized order form for the Art to Remember Fundraiser. You don’t want to miss out on their beautiful art creations!
Thanks for supporting the arts in our school!”
This week our Happy Hatfield students have been learning about Employment, Enrollment, and Enlistment as a part of Indiana's College GO Week. As a culmination of their learning, classrooms competed in a friendly door decorating contest. Congratulations to our winners: Preschool - Mrs. Thomas' Class, Kindergarten - Miss Brown's Class, 1st Grade - Mrs. Holler's Class, and 2nd Grade - Mrs. Whaley's Class! They will all earn a special treat from our incredible Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Waldbieser! Way to go!
Do you want to learn more about digital safety and how to protect children in a digital world? Check out this educational evening co-sponsored by our Lawrence County Systems of Care partners.
Attention Happy Hatfield Families! Our top Reading Rally 1st and 2nd Graders earned a "Lunch with the Principal!" It was a great celebration topped off with Happy Meals from our Mitchell McDonalds. A big shout out to the Burris-Hatfield PTO for their continued support of our students!
Next week, Hatfield will celebrate College GO activities. Over the course of the week, our students will learn about enrollment, enlistment, and employment. Check out our exciting Dress Up Days for students to participate in! We will also have a very competitive door decorating contest between classrooms, so stay tuned for winners and pictures!
Hello Hatfield Families! Over the next few weeks, our Kindergarten classes will be learning about and celebrating COLORS! Join our celebration by wearing the color BROWN this Friday, September 20th. Have a great Thursday!