Dawson Glassco will sit down tonight at 5 pm in the cafeteria for his signing day! Show your support as he finalizes his decision to continue his athletic and academic career! #GOJACKETS
If you are interested in being part of our Cross Country team please reach out to jeanmsowders@gmail.com by May 31st. You MUST have an up-to-date IHSAA physical form completed by a physician & turned in to the high school office before you are allowed to participate!
Yesterday Nick Mundy made the decision to continue his athletic and academic career at Hanover College. We are very proud of him and excited to watch as he works towards continued success in Football and Academics!
Nick Mundy will sit down tonight at 6 pm in the auditorium for his signing day! Show your support as he finalizes his decision to continue his athletic and academic career! #GOJACKETS
MHS Agriculture is making cheese as Food Science.
LAST CHANCE: The final date to order your copy of the 2021-22 Mitchell High School yearbook is May 31. The price is $45 and you may order your copy online at www.jostensyearbooks.com or pay Mr. Hewitt at the high school. (Checks should be made out to Mitchell High School.) These yearbooks will be distributed in the fall and will feature coverage of prom, spring sports, and of course, graduation.
There are also around 10 former students who did not pick up their 2020-21 yearbooks. Please contact Mr. Hewitt if you feel that you ordered a book last year but did not pick it up. Thank you.
Today after school will be the open house for the MHS Pollinator Garden. Check out the website below for more information!
Yesterday select Juniors and Seniors were inducted into the National Honor Society. These students were recognized and awarded during our ceremony which can be viewed at the link below! Congratulations to those recognized!
Spring Festival again! : )
Spring Festival cont....
More spring festival pictures.
Pictures from the Spring Festival
Come and get some started Native plants or seeds
from the Mitchell High School Science and Agriculture classes.
Check out current postings at MCS!
We are live with the 2022 Grand March! They will start announcing the students at 7:30 pm so check out the link below to tune in!
FFA went to Connor Prairie Thursday to learn about heritage agriculture and have their banquet. Fun was had, learned a few new things, had good food, and came back with some free trees.
Agriculture planted the flag containers today
Ag has 5 painted Lady butterflies to release this week
IvyTech Early Childhood Dual Credit went to Hatfield to work with students
Health Science/Medical Terminology students had a guest speaker from Indiana Donate Life today . They discussed organ donation, the process of organ donation and health careers that are needed and utilized with organ and tissue donation.