Again more photos of our new facilities.
The success of our students is our top priority and here is another reminder of the things to come! These facilities are only the beginning for our corporation and to say that we are excited is an understatement. Again here are images of our new facilites and Go Jackets!!
Are you looking for Mitchell Bluejacket spirit wear? Our Burris/Hatfield PTO is having a fundraiser! Check out the flyer for information.
Again THANK YOU to all Veterans for you service to our country. All you have sacraficed does not go unoticed and on behalf of everyone at MCS we appreciate all that you have done and continue to do for us!
Bus 28 and Bus 5 students will be transported home by bus driver Diana Randolph on Bus 25 this afternoon. Please note students may arrive home 15-20 minutes later than normal. Thank you.
Due to forecasted strong fall storms between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM, MCS is regretfully cancelling our reverse Parade of Veterans. We want to thank everyone who put forth effort in planning this event. To our Veterans...THANK YOU for your service to our country.
Follow the link to our Virtual program and if you see a Veteran today please thank them for their service and share the video so we can do the same!
"The Indiana Purple Star School Designation honors schools that have displayed a significant commitment to service members, veterans, and students and families connected to our Nation’s Military."--Indiana Department of Education
Thank you veterans for your service. We are honored to receive this award showing our support for you. Please reach out if ever you need anything from us!
Please join us as we host a Community Resource Fair for the community. Valuable resources will be provided along with door prizes! Mitchell Community Library will also be here to help with activities for children as you gather resources and fill out applications. We look forward to seeing you! Special thanks to Hoosier Uplands for providing support in the venture! #Community #HES #WeGotThis #Together #Thankful
Black Friday sales are starting early this year and we'd like to give you the opportunity to help those in need, with less strain on your pocket. Use the following link to sign up to volunteer to help with our Helping Hive! If you've not heard of this, it is something similar to the Angel Tree put on by the Salvation Army. Fill out the form and we'll send you information. #communityhelp #thankfulforyou #helpingstudentsandfamilies #Holidays #MCS
Reminder - Daylight Savings Ends - Sunday, November 7, 2021 - Set Clocks Back One Hour ⏲🐝⏲🐝
Is your student missing something? Please have them stop by our office to check the lost and found. #HES #LostAndFound
Can you believe it is November?! Please notice, we do have some E-Learning days the week of Thanksgiving break. We are thankful for our Hatfield families and staff. #thankful #HES #Community
Hi families! A friendly reminder: Please notify office staff if your child is out or if they have alternate plans for going home. Emailing the teacher is fine, but sometimes the teacher is unable to get to their emails during instruction time. Please include office staff on the emails:
Here's to Hatfield's fearless leader, Dr. Grissom. Happy School Principal's Week! #HES #GoJackets!
Stay safe and warm this weekend if you decide to go trick or treating!
Update: The Burris/Hatfield PTO Trunk or Treat night will be on Sunday, October 31st from 4-6pm in the Burris parking lot.
Don't forget! The PTO fundraiser is still going on now!
We had a fire drill today at Hatfield Elementary. Does your child come home talking about Mr. Steve? Steve is our custodian. He goes above and beyond to make our students smile. #MrSteve #HES #AmazingCustodians
#bussafetyweek #busdriversrule #mcs
Information for the online fundraiser portion: